Actor Kunchacko Boban and his wife Priya welcomed their first child, a baby boy, after 14 years of marriage. In an interview to a popular media house, the actor opened up on the changes little Izza has brought into the lives of the couple. He also talks about how people used to bombard them with uncomfortable questions and the mental trauma they had to face. "More than happiness, I am at peace now. It was Priya who suffered more than me. I am happier for her. Being a woman, Priya had to face more questions from the people around," admits Kunchacko.

"Chotta (Izza) is the one who controls our lives now. He is the king. Earlier, I used to go to bed as soon as I return home after the shoot. I would then leave the next morning as usual. Now, he is the one who decides when we should sleep. Even if I fall into sleep, tired after a day of hard work, subconsciously I keep thinking about him. A small movement of the baby would wake me up now. So, sleeping has become a namesake activity, but I am enjoying this phase of life", Kunchacko says.

Kunchacko opens up on life changes with the arrival of first child

The actor revealed that Priya had wished for a baby girl as she loved decking up the little one in different dresses and accessories. Kunchacko says that Priya sometimes even puts a bindi on baby Izza.

Kunchacko opens up on life changes with the arrival of first child

"I and Priya waited for so long before we had the baby. Many are now making the effort to find my number to call me. Recently, a doctor had called me up and said that his sister was unable to conceive and asked me the contact number of our doctor. Last month he messaged me that his sister was expecting. Couples usually start worrying about not having children once they are into the third year of their marriage. We waited for long 14 years. Izza has become a ray of hope for many who are awaiting a child," says Kunchacko Boban.


The actor says that the mental strength of the couple is the most important factor. “We may become dejected or depressed when the results are negative. We used to take breaks from the treatment and went for trips and then restart the treatment. However, now I think it is better to not take such breaks as it will delay the treatment,” Kunchacko says.

Kunchacko opens up on life changes with the arrival of first child

"We must be mentally strong as it would test our patience and perseverance. The support from our families will make things easier and better," concludes the actor.