Director Ali Akbar fulfils promise, tonsures his head for Kummanam

Ali Akbar after shaving head (L) and file photo (C). Akbar wrote that he never thought that Kummanam (R) will loose

A promise made is a promise kept. That's how director Ali Akbar stood by the saying. Well, the filmmaker has shaved off his head as he promised during the Lok Sabha elections 2019.

When the results were announced on Thurday, Thiruvananthapuram BJP candidate Kummanam Rajashekaran lost the battle to his rival Congress candidate Shashi Tharoor. During the election campaign days, Ali Akbar had challenged by saying he would shave his hair if Kummanam looses.

Sharing a photo on his social media platform, Akbar wrote that he never thought that Kummanam will loose and thanked everyone for voting and making Modi the PM again for second time.

Also a lyricist and screenwriter, Ali Akbar has directed more than 20 Malayalam movies, including Junior Mandrake, Kudumba Vaarthakal and Pai Brothers.

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