A day after Rima Kallingal asked why can't women attend Kerala's biggest festival Thrissur Pooram along with men, actress Maya Menon has responded to it. Rima had said that Thrissur Pooram was only for men. She had wondered while both men and women attend such festivals in foreign countries, why can't such thing happen in our state. She also asked what was the meaning of such festivals if there was no gender equality.

Maya, who is a dancer and model too, took to Facebook to disagree with Rima's statement and claimed that what Rima said was mere foolishness.

Her post could be roughly translated as, “She might be my colleague, but I cannot stand such foolishness. If you were a Thrissur native in truest sense you would never had made such a claim. Both men and women do come for the Pooram. But women don’t go there because of their own personal reasons. No one ever is restricting any women from going to Pooram. Your statements thus proves that you have never been there.”

Thrissur Pooram is a cultural celebration held annually at the Vadakkunnathan Temple in Thrissur.

On work front, Maya was recently seen in Vijay Superum Pournamiyum. On the other hand, Rima will next be seen in multi-starrer 'Virus' directed by her husband Aashiq Abu. On Tuesday, the makers released her character poster revealing that she will be reprising the role of sister Lini, who passed away after affected by Nipah virus.