Popular Malayalam actress Sajitha Madathil is contemplating on what needs to be done next, after the unpleasant experience she had to face at the hands of a Tamil film industry professional.

Madathil told IANS on Wednesday that she had posted on Facebook about the bad behaviour she had to face from a person who called her and identified himself as Karthik and working as an assistant director in Tamil movies.

"The call came on Monday asking me details about my films and after a while came the unexpected statement - 'are you ready for compromises and adjustments?'. This was a shock to me," Madathil said.

She said she then posted about the sequence of events on Facebook, including the number of the caller.

"Later, through someone known to me, he said he is prepared to apologise, and also said I was mistaken. I made my stand clear and said I wish to know the reason why he is apologizing to which I got no response," Madathil said.

"At the moment I am busy with other things, and I have not given a thought on what my next move should be with regards to this behavior, which is not at all acceptable," the actress added.

Madathil began her career in theatre way back in the late 1980s, making her mark in Malayalam movies beginning in the late 1990s, and has more than 30 films to her credit so far.

She has also won several awards, which includes the Kerala state award for the second best actress in the 2013 film "Shutter".

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