With her dreamy eyes and cute expressions, yesteryear actress Bhagyalakshmi had charmed the Malayali cine lovers in the 1980s. In Tamil and Telugu, this pretty actress was known by the name Bhagyasree. In the early 1990s, post her wedding, Bhagyalakshmi quit the movies and moved to Gujarat to enjoy domestic bliss. Though she made her debut through a Tamil movie, it was Malayalam which offered her some unforgettable roles. She excelled in many superhit movies, playing the lead heroine and supporting roles as well.

Bhagyalakshmi had acted in around 25 Malayalam movies including 'Astram', 'Ithiripoove Chuvanna Poove', 'Janakeeya Kodathi' and 'Uyarum Njan Naadake'. Besides, she acted in more than 20 films in Tamil, Telugu and Kannada as well. She has also acted opposite actors like Mohanlal, Mammootty, Rahman, Ratheesh and Rajnikanth.

The veteran actress said that she had been fortunate to act in a movie written by legendary writer and DMK politician Karunanidhi. It was also the first film of MK Stalin, Karunanidhi’s son and the current opposition leader of Tamil Nadu.

“I really am disappointed that I stayed away from the movies all these years. However, I am glad that it was for my family that I made the decision. My husband was not against continuing profession. But I decided to take a break as it was difficult to regularly come down here to act from Gujarat. Though I wasn’t seen in any movies after my marriage, I hadn’t completely left the films. It was my husband who encouraged when I expressed my wish to act again after 25 years. My son too is very supportive. Cinema has changed a lot. However, I am confident that I can act. I am really happy that I am able to make a comeback through Malayalam cinema,” an eager Bhagyalakshmi said.

Bhagyalakshmi is making a comeback through the movie ‘Padmavyoohathile Abhimanyu’ based on the life of slain student leader Abhimanyu. She is essaying the role of the principal of the college where Abhimanyu studies.

“I am really hopeful about this movie. Earlier, I used to rush to three different movie sets in a day. After this, I will be acting in a Telugu movie as well. New projects haven’t been finalided in Malayalam. However, a few are under discussion. I wish to act in more Malayalam films,” noted Bhagyalakshmi.

Bhagyalakshmi was also the face of the print campaigns of Radhas soap in Kerala. The Malayali audience still remembers the image of the beautiful actress holding a soap.