Actor and President of Association of Malayalam movie artists (AMMA) Mohanlal on Saturday said that the petition filed by a few women artists will be moved legally. He was addressing the media after AMMA held an executive meeting earlier in the day in Kochi. Referring to the meeting, he said, “It was a very informal meeting regarding the programme that AMMA will organise in Dubai on December 7.”

When asked about the demands raised by the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC), he said, “We didn't discuss anything over that today. That was not on today's agenda. Let this show get over first.”


Earlier, Mohanlal had said that a committee was formed within AMMA to address the grievances of woman members. He added that the actresses who resigned can return to the organisation, and that procedural norms would have to be followed.

In a press conference on October 13, the Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) had heavily criticised the AMMA leadership. The WCC condemned AMMA's move to retain the membership of Dileep, an accused in the actress abduction and assault case.

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