Actor Shabareesh Varma seems to be a man of surprises. He first surprised us when he made his acting debut in the movie 'Premam' and wrote and sang for the song in the film. Now, he has surprised one and all with his wedding news. Though he has not officially made any kind of announcement, the photos have made way online.

Interestingly, he got married to Ashwini Kale, who was the assistant art director of the movie 'Premam'. The duo were in a relationship for a while and it was very recently that they entered into a register marriage.


A reception was held at Kochi on Sunday evening where celebs including Asif Ali, Vinay Forrt etc were seen.

Shabaresh is well known for his song 'Pistah' in 'Neram' movie, which was later used as the promo song for the 2016 Indian Premier League.


He was recently seen in the movie 'Ladoo' along with Vinay Forrt and Balu Varghese.