Debutant filmmaker Arungeorge K David's 'Ladoo' is all set to hit the theatres on Friday. The comedy-romantic movie, which features a string of young actors like Vinay Forrt, Shabareesh Varma and Balu Varghese, also introduces a new heroine to the industry. Gayathri Ashok, who plays the female lead called Angeline, was roped in to the project after getting selected through auditions. The 23-year-old Gayathri, a Kollam native, is a graphic designer by profession. Onmanorama caught up with Gayathri to ask Just One Question. 

Have you ever been a big fan of any actor in your teenage? 


“I was an ardent fan of Asif Ali when I was in eleventh and twelfth standards. I even managed to visit one of his shooting locations and get a photograph clicked with him,” Gayathri recalled. 

The budding actor still treasures the photograph in her mobile phone. A young, excited Gayathri is seen smiling in the photograph, with Asif Ali's hands around her shoulder. 

'Ladoo' heroine Gayathri Ashok reveals her teenage crush | Watch video
The budding actor still treasures the old photograph with Asif Ali in her mobile phone.

She even showed off her most valued photograph to her co-actors in 'Ladoo'.

“I was crazy for Asif Ali back then. I still love him, but back in my teenage I wished to get at least a glance of the actor,” she said. 


Gayathri revealed that she maintained a photo album of Asif Ali and that she had attempted to contact the actor several times. 

“I have been a fan of many actors including Mohanlal and Mammootty, but Asif Ali is my favorite. I still wouldn't miss a chance to meet and click a picture with him. I am looking forward to meet him again and show our old photograph which I treasured all these years,” she added.