The deadly Nipah fever outbreak had brought global attention to Kerala recently. The state successfully contained the disease and was lauded for prompt measures taken in its aftermath. Filmmaker Aashiq Abu has now decided to make a film based on the disease scare.

Abu announced officially about the project on his official Facebook page. The movie which will see an ensemble cast including Revathy, Rima Kallingal, Tovino Thomas, Asif Ali, Parvathy, Kalidas Jayaram, Soubin Shahir, Remya Nambeesan, Dileesh Pothen and Chemban Vinod.

Abu also shared the official poster of the movie indicating how healthcare workers confronted the scourge.

Written jointly by Muhasin, Suhas, Sharafu, the cinematography will be helmed by Rajeev Ravi. Produced by OPM, Sushin Shyam will head the music department.


The movie is slated for release by next summer.