Ponnnani: The Kerala government would soon take steps to prevent flooding in Bharathapuzha, the longest river in the state.

P Sreeramakrishnan, the Speaker of  Kerala Legislative Assembly,  said that thickets and sandbanks would be removed from the riverbed as these obstruct the flow of the water. He represents the Ponnani constituency in the legislature.


Bharathapuzha is shallow in the Ponnani area in Malappuram district. Moreover, several stretches of the riverbed remain exposed showing thickets growing in the middle. During the 2018 and 2019 floods in Kerala, these thickets were submerged.

Most sandbanks and thickets are found in Bharathapuzha. Also, islets have emerged as the water level dipped. Instructions have been issued to the collector to take steps in this regard.


The MLA said that depth would also be increased in areas identified by the collector-led special committee.

A study report had pointed out that when monsoon intensified the rivers in the state were unable to contain water due to sandbanks. Therefore, it was decided to increase the depth of the river. 


A study report had pointed out that when monsoon intensified the rivers in the state were unable to contain water due to sandbanks. Therefore, it was decided to increase the depth of the river. 

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