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Last Updated Thursday November 05 2020 08:47 PM IST

Four of a family found dead near Kottayam

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Four of a family found dead near Kottayam

Kottayam: Four people of a family have been found dead at Vayala, near Kuravilangadu, in Kottayam district on Friday.

The deceased have been identified as Kudallur native Sinoj, 42; his wife Nisha, 35; and their two sons Surya Tejas, 12; and Shiva Tejas, 7.

The police suspect that the parents ended their lives after killing their children.

It has come to light that another child, a relative of the deceased, was at the house. However, the police said the differently abled child had no knowledge of the incident.

The body was found by one of Sinoj's friend, who came to see him after he did not respond to his call. The police said that the child answered the door when the friend arrived at the home on Friday morning.

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