Cyber fraudsters targeting job seekers' bank accounts; police issue urgent warning!

Cyber crime
Representative image: Shutterstock/wk1003mike

The Kerala Police have issued a warning that cybercriminals are increasingly targeting the bank accounts of young people. They have noted that job seekers, particularly those searching for part-time or online work, are being lured into these scams.

The fraudsters' method involves recruiting individuals who have their own bank and Google Pay accounts. Once a sum of Rs 1lakh is transferred into their account, they are instructed to forward the amount to accounts specified by the fraudsters, while keeping a commission for themselves. These criminals often tempt their victims by offering attractive commissions for these transactions.

However, the police have now found out that the true aim of these rackets is to exploit the bank accounts of job seekers, including students, for illegal money laundering and other fraudulent activities. Many of these young individuals unknowingly become part of these transactions, unaware of their involvement in criminal operations.

In light of the growing number of such cases, the police have urged the public not to allow strangers to conduct transactions through their accounts. They also advise reporting any such suspicious activities to the authorities immediately by calling the cybercrime helpline number 1930.

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