Connect and engage: Six icebreakers for multi-department campus events

College students
Representative image: Shutterstock/Tint Media

Planning a multi-department campus event and looking for fun ways to get people talking? Icebreakers are a perfect way to break the tension, foster connections, and create an enjoyable atmosphere where everyone feels included. Whether you're organizing a casual meet-and-greet or a more formal event, these six icebreakers will help attendees from different departments engage with each other, learn something new, and start meaningful conversations. Let the fun begin!

1. Human bingo
Create bingo cards with facts like "Has studied abroad" or "Plays an instrument." Attendees have to find people who match the descriptions and get them to sign their card.

2. Speed networking
Set up a “speed dating” format where attendees have 2-3 minutes to introduce themselves to someone new before rotating to the next person.

3. Department trivia
Create trivia questions related to the different departments at your campus. This can help attendees learn about other fields in a fun way.

4. Group juggle
Form a circle and start with one ball, tossing it around while saying each other's names. As the game progresses, add more balls to increase the challenge.

5. Two truths and a lie
Each person shares two true facts and one lie about themselves. The group has to guess which statement is the lie.

6. Would you rather?
Pose fun and quirky "Would you rather?" questions like "Would you rather have free coffee for life or free Wi-Fi anywhere?" to spark conversations and debate.

These icebreakers will help break down barriers, create laughter, and encourage fun conversations among attendees from different departments.

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