Cultivate a learning mindset, be curious to excel in life and career: Divya Nanavaty

Divya Nanavaty, Managing Director, India Knowledge Center of United Airlines, was the Chief Guest at the Convocation Ceremony of Rajagiri Business School. Photo: Special arrangement

'Cultivating a learning mindset and being curious always will help one excel in life and career,' Divya Nanavaty, Managing Director, India Knowledge Center of United Airlines, urged the students at the graduation and convocation ceremonies of the Rajagiri College of Social Sciences and Rajagiri Business School on Saturday. She also called upon students to "make it a priority to inform yourselves and ask questions".

Divya Nanavaty, Managing Director, India Knowledge Center of United Airlines, arrives for the Convocation ceremony of the Rajagiri Business School. Photo: Special arrangement

"Always remember, saying 'I don't know' is not an admission of weakness but a declaration of your willingness to learn and grow," said Nanavaty.

Even as the fundamental objective of every company remains the same -- either increase revenue or be more efficient or a combination of both -- one could "leave a positive impact" by following a few guiding principles, she said.

Divya Nanavaty, Managing Director, India Knowledge Center, United Airlines is welcomed by Fr Benny Nalkara, Provincial, SH Province. Photo: Special arrangement

"Whatever you do, pursue it with a passion. If you treat your work as a calling, the long hours you put in will not seem daunting," Nanavaty said. "Never feel afraid to ask for help," she told the graduates.

Nanavaty encouraged the graduates to "feel empowered to challenge the status quo" and "offer constructive criticism" because finding progress "often comes from the friction of differing opinions". "Also, own up to your mistakes," said Nanavaty, "I firmly believe, if you don't fail you will never grow."

Nanavaty felicitated the graduates at the ceremony presided over by Fr Benny Nalkara, Provincial and Manager, CMI SH Province, Kochi.

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