Govt partially withdraws SET exemptions for high school teachers with decade experience

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The provision exempting high school teachers with 10 years of experience from the State Eligibility Test (SET) qualification for promotion as higher secondary teachers has been partially withdrawn. Henceforth, high school teachers with a decade of experience will be promoted to higher secondary positions only if there are no teachers or non-teachers with SET qualifications available. Ministerial staff and laboratory assistants in higher secondary schools are eligible for promotion under the non-teaching category.
The relaxation in SET qualification for high school teachers was initially granted due to a shortage of individuals with the qualification when the higher secondary section was introduced in schools. However, the current increase in the number of individuals holding SET qualifications prompted the government to issue the new order. This decision was taken following complaints that making appointments with such exemptions could lower teaching standards. Corresponding changes to the Kerala Education Rules (KER) will also be made soon.