The Kerala government has announced the SSLC and higher secondary examination dates for the 2022-23 academic year. The SSLC exams will begin on March 9 and end on March 29. Last year, the exams began on March 31. The higher secondary exams will begin on March 10 and extend till March 30.

The paper valuation for the 2023 SSLC exams will start from April 3. The results will be out before May 10. These dates were announced by general education minister V Sivankutty in Thiruvananthapuram on Thursday.


The SSLC model examination will begin on February 27 and end on March 3, six days before the SSLC exams begin.

The higher secondary and vocational higher secondary exams will be held from March 10 to March 30. The models will be held from February 27 to March 3.


The practical exams of higher secondary will begin on February 1 and that of vocational higher secondary on January 25. Paper valuation will start for both these streams on April 3, and results will be published before May 25.

Over four-and-a-half lakh students will sit for the SSLC examination. There will be 70 valuation camps across the state. More than nine lakh students will sit for the higher secondary first and second year 2023 examinations. There will be 82 valuation camps.


Over 60,000 students will sit for the vocational higher secondary examinations. The number of valuation camps will be eight.

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