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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 08:56 AM IST

Tata Motors provides ultimate driving experience for customers

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Tata Motors provides ultimate driving experience for customers

Kochi: Tata Motors conducted its interactive drive program, Tata Motors Experience Center (TMEC), at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Kochi on Sunday. The TMEC comprised a series of dynamic drive experience events across India, which provided an opportunity for visitors to experience the new generation products line-up from Tata Motors.

The two-day program featured Tiago AMT, Tigor and the company's lifestyle UV – HEXA.

"The introduction of the TMEC showcases our commitment in creating new avenues for customers to experience the ultimate driving experience. Through this platform, we are aiming to showcase the various attributes of our vehicles by breaking away from the mundane vehicle test drives," Vivek Srivatsa, head of Tata Motors marketing, said.

The program was specially designed to provide customers with an experience of the company's vehicles through specially curated test tracks.

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