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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 02:36 AM IST

Charity work, assisting coach Mills top of the list for Bolt post retirement

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Charity work, assisting coach Mills top of the list for Bolt post retirement Usain Bolt. File photo: Getty Images

Kingston: As Usain Bolt prepares to run his last competitive Jamaican race on Saturday, the world's fastest man is already thinking about his future.

Charity work and assisting coach Glen Mills with his track club appear at the top of the list for Bolt, who will retire after August's World Championships in London.

“I promised him (Mills) that I will try to be a part of Racers Track Club as much as possible," Bolt told Reuters.

"He wants me to take over, but I don’t thing that will happen, but I will definitely try to assist as much as possible because I love Racers and I love my coach very much."

Multiple Olympic and world gold medalist Bolt, who seems to have moved past his earlier desire to play professional soccer, said he would miss competing, but not the hard training.

"I'm going to miss the crowds," the 30-year-old said. "I enjoy just playing with the crowd, feeling the energy and just competing in front of them... that's what I'm going to miss about track and field."

Politics is also out of the question, the 100 and 200 meters world record holder said.

Even with Jamaican prime minister Andrew Holness offering opportunities in government, the lanky sprinter has said no.

“I’ve said it over the years, politics is not me," Bolt said. "When your guys (journalists) ask me questions, I’ve always tried to stay away from politics because it’s a tricky thing, so I try to stay as far away as possible."

But Bolt, who considers Jamaican sprint icons the late Herb McKenley and Don Quarrie, both Olympic gold medalists, among his role models, wants to put on a show in his last run on home soil, a 100 meter dash at the National Stadium.

“The fans in Jamaica know that when I show up I always show up at my best,” the 11-time world champion said.

“I always try to make sure they’re happy because they’re very hard to please," added the man who clocked 50 sub-10 second 100 meters in his career.

Although he harbors no intentions of attempting his 100m world record of 9.58 seconds, Bolt aims to go out in the blaze of glory in London. "I’m the world record holder so there’s no reason to want to break the world record," he said.

"For me this season is just about trying to win and continue winning and end my career on a winning note."

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