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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 11:14 PM IST

Stallone is alive and 'still punching': Rambo fans can be at peace

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Stallone is alive and 'still punching': Rambo fans can be at peace There was a spate of social media posts claiming that the Rambo actor had died of cancer. Photo: IANS

Los Angeles: Hollywood action star Sylvester Stallone is alive and "still punching", despite death rumors.

On Sunday, February 18, rumors started circulating on Facebook that the actor passed away after battling prostate cancer. The death hoax post also included photos of allegedly ailing Stallone.

Taking to his official social media accounts, the "Rocky" star debunked the false reports and assured his fans that he is fine. "Please ignore this stupidity... Alive and well and happy and healthy... Still punching!" he wrote, along with one of the of the hoax posts.

His younger brother Frank Stallone also responded to the death rumors.

He wrote on Twitter, "Rumors that my brother is dead are false. What kind of sick demented cruel mind thinks of things like this to post? People like this are mentally deranged and don't deserve a place in society," adding that the death hoax was "not funny not cool."

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