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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 02:03 PM IST

Woman shows Trump the middle finger, loses job

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Woman shows Trump the middle finger, loses job The marketing and communications specialist said she would do it again.

It was a gut reaction, she said, raising the middle finger at US president Donald Trump as his motorcade passed her bicycle in Virginia.

“He was passing by and my blood just started to boil,” Juli Briskman was quoted as saying by the Huffington Post.

Her gesture was captured by a photographer traveling with the motorcade and, needless to say, the image went viral on social media platforms in no time. They celebrated her as a hero and an impulsive action made her an online sensation.

The marketing and communications specialist said she would do it again.

However, one set of people were not definitely pleased - the chiefs of the Virginia-based company where she worked. Her bosses had a problem with her using the now-viral photo as her profile pic on Twitter and Facebook.

And a month after her 'heroic act' on the road, the US woman found herself out of job. Social media reacted again and pleas flooded online to help find a job for the courageous woman.

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