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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 08:34 AM IST

Denied ambulance, man carries wife's body on stretcher in UP

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Denied ambulance, man carries wife's body on stretcher in UP Kaushambi map. Courtesy: Google

Manjhanpur (Kaushambi): A man was forced to carry his wife's body on a stretcher after the district hospital allegedly refused to provide an ambulance. However, the senior hospital officials have denied the allegation.

The video of a man carrying the body of his wife was telecast on local news TV channels.

The footage showed the man, identified as Mahesh Chandra, pulling a stretcher on which his wife Malti Devi's body was covered with white sheet. The 35-year-old woman died during labor pain.

Chandra also alleged that he was asked to pay Rs 800 for the vehicle.

Chief medical superintendent Dr Deepak Seth, however, said that the ambulance was provided free of cost by the hospital.

"The news being shown in a section of media is misleading ... the man is pulling the stretcher only from the ward to the parking lot from where the vehicle carried the body home," Seth said, adding the woman was brought dead.

Refuting claims of the man that money was demanded for the facility, he said it could be some private vehicle owners outside the hospital who might have asked for money.

"The hospital vehicle is provided free of cost," he said.

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