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Last Updated Thursday November 19 2020 08:36 AM IST

Muslims should not eat beef, says VP of Muslim law board

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Muslim's should not eat beef, says VP of Muslim law board Image for representation only. File

Bijnor: The vice-president of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) has advised Muslims against eating beef.

Kalbe Sadiq said here recently that religious books does not advise eating beef and Muslims should desist from it.

Sadiq said if the government enacted a law banning cow slaughter and beef eating in the country, the Muslims would welcome it. He condemned the unlawful activities of cow vigilantes and demanded that it be stopped.

Sadiq, who was here to attend a program, was speaking to reporters at the residence of the president of the District Civil Bar Association.

The Shia scholar said the triple talaq system was unfair to women but it was a personal affair for the community and they would find a solution to it in less than two years. He said the government should not interfere in it.

On the Ram temple issue, he said the dispute should end now and the Hindus and the Muslims should yield some ground to each other so that a compromise could be reached. He said Muslims should not insist on making a mosque at the site where the temple would be built. Sadiq said Muslim leaders were responsible for the poor state of the community.

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