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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:06 PM IST

Actor Baburaj hacked with machete in Adimali | Exclusive pics

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Actor Baburaj hacked with machete in Adimali When Baburaj reached a hospital near Kochi. Photos: Tony Dominic/Onmanorama

Adimali: Malayalam film actor-director Baburaj was injured in an attack by a machete-wielding neighbor following a dispute. The incident took place Tuesday at a resort owned by the actor near Kallar in Adimali.

According to the police, the incident took place following a row over an attempt to drain water from a pond in the resort. Sunny, who hails from Kallar, attacked Baburaj with a machete and the actor suffered slash wounds on his chest. However, sources say that the injuries are not serious in nature.

Actor Baburaj hacked with machete in Adimali Photos: Tony Dominic/Onmanorama

The dispute began as the actor tried to drain the pond, on which some of the neighboring households were depending on.

The actor was given primary treatment at a private hospital in Adimali and later shifted to another hospital near Kochi.

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