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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:33 AM IST

Baburaj recounts remarkable escape from Dubai hotel fire

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Baburaj escapes fire at Dubai

Dubai: Actor Baburaj will never forget this New Year; he barely made it back from the 54th floor of the hotel in Dubai, which was gutted in a fire. The hotel stands adjacent to the Burj Khalifa and the actor and his production team were in it when the fire spread.

Baburaj and his team, who had come to the hotel to shoot the New Year celebrations at Burj Khalifa, had a tough time coping with the mishap. He was to use the scenes in his upcoming film Scotch Whisky.

The actor was informed about the fire on the 15th floor by his associates who were closer to the mishap. He did not waste another second to leave everything and escape from the 54th floor. He feels his life was the reward for that one-hour run through the stairs.

Baburaj remembers carrying his 70-year-old production controller, who had suffered three heart attacks earlier, through the melee. During the run for their lives, many people asked for help and children were wailing. Since many of the men were inebriated, they did not know what to do. He also said that he and his team had to sleep on the streets.

Much wiser after the incident, Baburaj said that the incident shows that life is small and full of uncertainties. The actor, who was often lost for words white explaining the mishap, said that he has never faced such a situation in his life before. He also does not know from where he got the energy to run. The shooting was taking place on the 17th floor and six floors were totally gutted in the fire. He does not know what has happened to his shooting equipment as the hotel is now under the control of the fire force.

The actor lost all his belongings, including his passport, in the fire. He is staying in another hotel close to the gutted hotel and does not know when he can return home. He said that he is still in shock.

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