


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:01 PM IST

Believers celebrate Eid in Kerala

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Eid-ul-Fitr in Kerala tomorrow

New Delhi: Eid-ul-Fitr, which marks the culmination of the fasting month of Ramzan, was celebrated with fervour in Kerala on Friday. The rest of the country will celebrate the festival on Saturday.

Eid-ul-Fitr, that symbolises peace and brotherhood, is marked with feasts and the faithful offers prayers at mosques and idgahs to seek blessings of the divine.

People, especially children, dress up in their traditional fineries to mark the festival that spreads the message of brotherhood and communal amity.

For the rest of the country, Jama Masjid Shahi Imam Syed Ahmed Bukhari made the announcement Thursday night after a meeting of the moon-sighting committee here, a senior official at the city's historic mosque said.

"The moon was not sighted today. So, that means the Eid will be celebrated on Saturday in Delhi and several other parts of the country," he told PTI.

Read more: Latest Kerala news

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