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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:26 PM IST

Kicked and thrashed, Madhu's dying statement to police

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Kicked and thrashed, Madhu's dying statement to police The FIR makes it evident that Madhu (inset) had given a clear picture of the attack on him as well as the perpetrators before his death.

Palakkad: Madhu, the tribal youth who was beaten to death at Mukkali in Attappadi, gave a statement to the police that he was kicked and thrashed by a group of people, says the first information report (FIR).

According to Madhu, he was detained in the forest area and forcibly brought to Mukkali by some local people, who accused him of theft. While being taken in a jeep, he was severely beaten up and kicked, Madhu told the police, according to the FIR, a copy of which is in the possession of Manorama News.

Meanwhile, following protests, Madhu’s autopsy was postponed to Saturday.

The FIR also mentions the names of those who had allegedly beaten up Madhu. They are, Hussain, Mathachan, Manu, Abdul Rahman, Abdul Latheef, Abdul Kareem and A P Ummer. Hussain and Kareem are already in police custody.

The FIR makes it evident that Madhu had given a clear picture of the attack on him as well as the perpetrators before his death.

Madhu’s tragic death sparked widespread protests in Attappadi, with tribal organizations taking up the issue. The ambulance carrying Madhu’s body for autopsy was blocked by protesters, who included Madhu’s relatives, demanding the arrest of all those involved before the autopsy. They also wanted to see all the culprits arrested. A large number of people, including Madhu’s mother and sisters, sat on the road raising the demand.

The ambulance was allowed to proceed only after the agitators received an assurance from the authorities that those behind the murder would be arrested soon and that three representatives of Adivasi organizations would be allowed to see the arrested persons.

Meanwhile, Ottapalam subcollector Jeromic George, who conducted the inquest on Madhu’s body, said that he did not carry major injury marks.

Madhu, a resident of Kadukumanna Adivasi hamlet and son of Mallan, was cruelly attacked by a group of people accusing him of theft on Thursday evening. They said Madhu was in the habit of lifting items from shops, tied his hands with the dhoti he was wearing and thrashed him.

Minister for scheduled castes and tribes A K Balan said that a magisterial-level enquiry would be conducted into Madhu’s death. The case is now being probed by a special police team under inspector general M R Ajith Kumar.

Read: Latest Kerala News | Attappadi mob lynching: BJP out to score brownie points

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