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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 02:46 AM IST

Students from Bihar served beef cutlet at Alappuzha college

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Students from Bihar served beef cutlet at Alappuzha college Angithkumar and Himashukumzar alleged the college authorities told them that it was vegetable cutlet even after repeated questioning. So they ate them.

Alappuzha: A group of students of College of Engineering campus of CUSAT near here has complained to the district authorities that they were made to eat beef cutlets served as a vegetable dish.

The incident happened during a seminar held at the college at Pulincunnoo on January 25, some of the affected students from Bihar told reporters Saturday.

Angithkumar and Himashukumzar alleged the college authorities told them that it was vegetable cutlet even after repeated questioning. So they ate them.

"Only after consuming it, we came to know that these were beef cutlets," Angithkumar said.

The students said they have lodged a complaint with the district collector in this regard.

They alleged that it was done with the knowledge of the college principal.

The students said they felt depressed after realizing that they ate beef as it was a matter related their faith and religion. The campus is functioning under the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) headquartered in Kochi.

College authorities could not be reached for their comments.

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