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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:08 PM IST

Restrictions planned for Makara Vilakku day at Sabarimala

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Sabarimala Nobody will be allowed to take the 'pathinettam padi' once the temple sanctuary is closed after noon pooja. The restriction will remain until Deeparadhana at 06.30pm.

Sabarimala: Pilgrims to Sabarimala will face restrictions on January 14, the day of 'Makara Samkrama' Pooja and 'jyothi darshan'. The Sabarimala trek as well as darshan will be restricted.

The Makara Samkrama Pooja will be at 01.47 in the afternoon. Since the 'sreekovil' and 'thirumuttam' will have to be washed and cleaned for the 'Makaravilakku' festival, 'Neyyabhishekam' will take place only till 10.30am.

Poojas will begin at 12 noon. First will be the noon pooja with 25 'Kalashabhishekams'. The 'Samkramabhishekam' will take place after the Makara Samkrama Pooja which begins at 01.30pm.

Pilgrims won't be allowed to climb in the afternoon hours as the procession carrying the deity's ornaments, which he will be adorned with at the Makara Samkrama Sandhya, has to proceed. The climb will be allowed again after the Jyothi darshan.

Nobody will be allowed to take the 'pathinettam padi' once the temple sanctuary is closed after noon pooja. The restriction will remain until Deeparadhana at 06.30pm. The curbs are required because the steps will have to be cleaned and wiped with ash to facilitate the procession to go up.

Collection exceeds Rs 203 crore

The total collection during Mandala-Makara Vilakku season has soared past Rs 203 crore. It was Rs 175.04 crore on the same day last year.

The Makara Vilakku collection itself was Rs 29.64 crore. The maximum revenue came from Aravana sales – Rs 80.07 crore. Appam sales fetched Rs 14.28 crore. The contribution for Annadanam was Rs 1.60 crore.

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