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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:24 PM IST

'Thanka Anki' reaches Sabarimala temple

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thanka-anki-sabarimala The procession, which had set off four days ago from Sree Parthasarthy temple at Aranmula, reached the Lord Ayyappa temple around 6.30 pm. TV grab

Sabarimala: The ceremonial procession carrying the sacred 'Thanka Anki' (golden attire) of Lord Ayyappa reached the Sabarimala temple here Monday evening. The procession, which had set off four days ago from Sree Parthasarthy temple at Aranmula, reached the Lord Ayyappa temple around 6.30 pm, temple sources said.

The idol of Lord Ayyappa would be adorned with the sacred attire on Tuesday for the 'Mandala pooja' and after the 'Athazha pooja' in the evening, the shrine will be closed for two days, marking the culmination of the 41-day pilgrimage season.

The shrine will re-open on December 30 for the 'Makaravillaku' festival, which falls on January 14. There has been a heavy rush of pilgrims on Monday also to offer prayers to lord Ayyappa after the arrival of the golden attire.

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