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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 11:46 AM IST

Government move on Kurinji reserve a violation of Central wildlife laws

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Government move on Kurinji reserve a violation of Central wildlife laws The Central wildlife protection law clearly lays down specific procedures to be followed in redrawing boundaries of a territory which has been declared as a wildlife sanctuary.

Thiruvananthapuram: The decision of the Kerala government to redraw the boundaries of the Kurinji reserve will face a court challenge. The move, which ignored objections from the State and Central Wildlife Protection Boards, is seen to have violated the Central law on wildlife protection. It is now certain that the decision taken in a meeting chaired by the chief minister will face scrutiny in court.

The Central wildlife protection law clearly lays down specific procedures to be followed in redrawing boundaries of a territory declared as a wildlife sanctuary. The Union Ministry of Environment and Forest has issued rules related to it. The State government cannot take a unilateral decision on an area which has been declared as a wildlife reserve. The State as well as Central Wildlife Boards have to discuss why boundaries should be redrawn. It will have to be followed by a detailed review of the ministry. The Central Wildlife Board will then have to clear it.

Which means a secretary-level panel appointed by the State government has no authority to take a decision on it. The Devikulam sub-collector, as settlement officer of the Kurinji reserve, is the only officer authorized as per existing laws to decide on the matter. The first procedure is the detailed scrutiny of land documents.

The sub-collector cannot carry out a political decision of the government without such mandatory procedures. It is therefore amply clear that a decision by the secretary-level panel headed by P.H. Kurian or orders from the ministers cannot be carried out in this case. Any action in violation of procedures will definitely invite a challenge in court.

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