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Last Updated Friday November 20 2020 03:49 PM IST

Temple takeover row: Hindu Aikya Vedi hartal in Thrissur today

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Temple takeover row: Hindu Aikya Vedi calls for hartal in Thrissur Wednesday

Thrissur: The dawn-to-dusk hartal called by the Hindu Aikya Vedi in the district has begun. The outfit is protesting the take over of the Parthasarathy Temple, Guruvayur, by the Malabar Devaswom Board.

Early on Tuesday, the Devaswom Board officials took over the temple amid heavy police protection, following a Kerala High Court order.

There has been a stand-off between the temple committee and the Devaswom Board over the administration of the temple.

In September, devotees, including women and children, had stopped the officials when they reached the temple to take over the administration.

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