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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 12:58 PM IST

Heart patient dies unattended in Kannur jail, rights panel orders probe

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Heart patient dies unattended in Kannur jail, rights panel orders probe

Kannur: The Kerala State Human Rights Commission has ordered an inquiry on the death of an inmate in Kannur Central Jail, who has been allegedly denied prompt medical care when he collapsed.

Commission acting chairman P. Mohanadas has sought a probe report from the director general of police (Prisons) within a month and has also ordered the jail superintendent to explain in person before the panel at its sitting in Kannur on November 22.

Sharafuddin of Pukkottupadam in Malappuram, a prisoner serving a life term, collapsed and died on November 2 in the jail around noon. His relatives have lodged a complaint saying he was not given immediate attention despite collapsing, and that he was taken to hospital only after 45 minutes, that too after an uproar from other inmates. He was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.

The complaint also points out that Sharafuddin had undergone a heart surgery two years back. However, he wasn't provided with any further medical care. The relatives had provided his health care documents to the jail authorities and the High Court. Sharafuddin's brother Abubaker Siddique says in the complaint that despite a court order that his treatment should be ensured, he was taken to hospital from the jail only five or six times within two years.

Whenever doctors suggested that Sharafuddin be brought to hospital, jail authorities were offering excuses like the ambulance was not available or that cops were not available to accompany him.

The Commission said in its order that if what is stated in the complaint is correct, it is a case of flagrant human rights violation.

Sharafuddin has an aged mother, wife, and four children.

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