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Last Updated Sunday November 22 2020 05:06 PM IST

Malappuram: Nafeesa says she is alive, but officials are unsure

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Nafeesa says she is alive, but officials are unsure

Ponnani: Nafeesa went in person to the municipal office and told the officials that she was alive. But they were still unsure.

According to municipal records, Nafeesa of Valappilakath at Arakkala Valappu in Ward II is no more. Her widow pension stopped four months ago.

She had been getting the pension for four years. Four months ago, she went to Mumbai where her daughter lives. While she got a message from the bank about the pension disbursal, she informed them that she would collect it later since she was still in Mumbai. But by the time she returned, the money had been sent back with a note that she had died.

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Nafeesa is now struggling to prove that she isn't dead. She is planning to approach senior officers to correct the records that show her as dead.

Officials are, meanwhile, unclear about how to release again the pension that had been returned.

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