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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 08:57 PM IST

Reshuffle of IAS officers in Kerala: TV Anupama to be Alappuzha collector

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Reshuffle of IAS officers in Kerala: T V Anupama to be Alappuzha collector T V Anupama

Thiruvananthapuram: In a minor reshuffle of IAS officers, the Kerala government Wendesday appointed five new district collectors.

The decision in this regard was taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

While Dr K. Vasuki, Suchitwa Mission executive director, was appointed Thiruvananthapuram collector; fisheries director Dr S. Karthikeyan would be the new Kollam collector. Marketfed managing director Suresh Babu is the new collector of Palakkad.

Director of social justice T.V. Anupama will be the new collector of Alappuzha district and food safety commissioner Navajot Khosa of Kottayam district.

Former Palakkad collector P. Marykutty has been appointed panchayat director, while Venkateshpathy, who was Thiruvananthapuram collector, has been appointed fisheries director. He will have the additional charge of lotteries director.

Former Kollam collector T. Mitra has been appointed Suchitwa Mission executive director. Veena N. Madhavan would hold all the posts held by T.V. Anupama, the government press release said.

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