


Last Updated Sunday November 22 2020 10:16 PM IST

Keralite youth, who joined ISIS, killed in Afghanistan

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Keralite youth, who joined ISIS, killed in Afghanistan N.P. Marwan, 24, was killed in a US strike.

Trikaripur, Kasaragod: A Keralite youth, who had allegedly joined Islamic State, was killed in a US military strike in Afghanistan, according to a message received by his family.

Trikaripur native K.V.P. Ismail received the message on Telegram App Monday that his son N.P. Marwan, 24, was killed in the strike. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has confirmed the message about his death.

Marwan had left home in May, 2016, saying that he was headed to Mumbai. About three months ago, his family received information that he married a foreign woman. The message of his death was sent purportedly from the account of Ashfak, one among the 20-odd missing Keralite youths. They had allegedly fled abroad to join the terror outfit.

Earlier, another youth, Yahiya, alias Bastian, was reportedly killed in Afghanistan. The message of his death was also sent by Ashfak.

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