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Last Updated Tuesday November 17 2020 05:19 PM IST

Malayala Manorama, The Week walk away with five WAN-IFRA media awards

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wan-ifra Manorama's chief reporter Mahesh Guptan, senior photographer Sameer A Hameed, The Week's deputy photo editor Salil Behra, assistant art editor Binesh Sreedharan, and deputy photo editor Bhanu Prakash. (From L to R)

Kuala Lumpur: The Week and the Malayala Manorama have bagged five Asian media awards from the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA). The Week received three awards while the Malayala Manorama was chosen for two awards.

Malayala Manorama’s ‘Ardra Keralam’ initiative meant for the welfare of mentally challenged children was chosen for the silver prize in the social service section. Chief reporter Mahesh Guptan received the award. The daily also received a silver prize in sports photography. Senior photographer Sameer A Hameed was selected for the award for his photo titled ‘Mud Soccer Wonder’.

The Week bagged two awards in the news photography section. Deputy photo editor Bhanu Prakash Chandra’s work titled ‘Bull by the Horns’ received the golden prize and deputy photo editor Salil Behra’s ‘Nepal’s Illegal Kidney Racket’ the bronze prize.

The Week’s assistant art editor Binesh Sreedharan received the silver prize in magazine cover design for the cover story, “Modi’s Outdated Army’.

The award ceremony held in association with the Public Asia Conference in Kuala Lumpur was inaugurated by Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak.

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