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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 02:32 AM IST

With no arms and legs, Shalini gains attention as Vanitha cover girl

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With no arms and legs, Shalini gains attention as Vantha cover girl Shalini Saraswathi

Vanitha, the most popular Malayalam magazine for women, has once again treaded a different route by choosing the brave and bold lass Shalini as it’s cover girl.

The latest edition of Vanitha features Shalini Saraswathi, a quadruple amputee. An engineer by profession, Shalini lost both her legs from below her knees and hands after she was affected by a rare bacterial infection. She tried to get back on her feet with the help of prosthetic legs. She even takes part in half marathons.

Vanitha online released a video which proves that the iron lady is not just good at running but also at photoshoot. Watch the video here:

Vanitha, earlier, created history by featuring a transgender on its cover.

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