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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 08:14 PM IST

This cancer survivor dances to the tune of confidence

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This cancer survivor dances to the tune of confidence Archana proved that confidence and positive attitude could help one defeat cancer and now learns piano, guitar, swimming, and painting along with dance.

Guruvayur: Archana's dance performance at Melpathur auditorium in front of Sree Krishna Temple here was special in many ways. With her sixth stage programme in three months, Archana proved that confidence and positive attitude could help one defeat cancer.

Earlier a resident of the UK, Archana, who worked for a German bank, had shifted to California in the US three years ago along with her husband Roshan, a software engineer, and daughter Navomi.

Tragedy stuck in November 2016 when Archana was diagnosed with lymphoma. However, she faced the challenge with grit and recovered soon. After six months' treatment, doctors told Archana that she was fully cured of cancer.

Seven months ago, Archana reached her native place in Kerala's Pulpally, along with her daughter. There, she decided to spend some time with her parents, Krishnankutty and Indira, by engaging in creative pursuits. She took up activities that interested her, including learning piano, guitar, swimming and painting. Navomi, while continuing her classes online under the home schooling system of the US, also attended karate classes and earned a black belt.

Archana had learnt dance for six years while in school and met Resi Shajidas, who taught dance at Chilanka Natya Kalakshetra at Pulpally, in December last year and expressed her desire to renew her lessons. Warmly welcoming Archana, Resi taught her two items in two weeks.

Archana has already performed on six stages and has this advice to give: “Never lose hope if you have cancer and do not remain indoors all the time, refusing to face the world. Enjoy the outdoors and take up activities that keep your body and mind fully engaged.”

“Also, never panic when facing people posing questions about your disease that make you uncomfortable. Do not avoid the world outside fearing these people. Never keep off the mainstream, being afraid of getting infections”.

Archana and her daughter will return to the US after two months.

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