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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 04:54 PM IST

Malaika Arora reveals her 'snappy secret pre-workout routine'

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Malaika Arora

Actress Malaika Arora, known for her fit frame, has revealed a part of her "snappy secret pre-workout routine".

After Mumbai and Bengaluru, the sixth edition of Max Bupa Walk For Health culminated here on Sunday. The annual walking event saw participation by over 10,000 Delhiites.

The sixth edition brought Power Walk to India. The seven-km competitive Power Walk was flagged off by Woman Power Walk ambassador Malaika along with Max Bupa's managing director and CEO Ashish Mehrotra.

"Your body is your temple and you should respect it. It is important to give your body some time every day no matter how busy life gets. I have always advised people to go out and get moving," Malaika said in a statement.

"It could be something as simple as walking every day for 30 minutes. And once you've got into the groove, even upgrade to something like Power Walk. Power Walking is a part of my snappy secret pre-workout routine. It is intense and requires a lot of stamina and energy, but yields great results.

"Not only does it tone the body and give a more muscular appearance, but also increases stamina."

The five-km and two-km walkathon was flagged off by actors Ayushmann Khurrana and Sanya Malhotra.

Sanya finds it "very important to stay fit".

"It's not very difficult, as many people think. I walk for my warm up and/or cooling down routine. Whenever there's shortage of time, I turn to walking, it really costs nothing to stay fit - just intent," she added.

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