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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 03:12 PM IST

This 91-year-old grandma had the perfect reason to get her first tattoo

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This 91-year-old grandma had the perfect reason to get her first tattoo

Is there an age to get a tattoo? The answer would have to be no when you read this story. 91-year-old Sharada Jhavar is out to prove that getting a tattoo is not just the prerogative of the young.

After getting her first tattoo, one which pays homage to Lord Shiva, this grandmother is proud and overjoyed in equal measure. Celebrity tattoo artist Vikas Malani was roped in to ink Sharada's body art. Vikas said that this is a significant and inspiring moment in his career as a tattoo artist. He says that he views this particular work as a tribute to a complete and satisfied life.

A hardcore Shiva bhakt, Sharada got a thrishul and damaru etched, either side of the iconic Om symbol. It was the persistence of her daughter-in-law that convinced her to get a tattoo.

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