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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 01:43 AM IST

Tracking the fitness path of Kerala athlete Nayana James

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Beauty is not just sunscreen lotions and moisturizers. Fitness is more important than skin-deep glamor.

Take a look at Nayana James who won a bronze medal in long jump at the recent Asian Athletics Championships in Bhubaneswar. The 21-year-old from Kozhikode is an epitome of fitness. Nayana shares her fitness secrets:

» Drink 8 liters of water every day. Keep a bottle of boiled and cooled water. Coffee and tea are a strict no-no.

» Pastry was one of Nayana's favorites, but in pursuit of medal she has avoided it.

» Two hours of sleep in the morning after the training sessions. Skips sleep in the afternoons and ensures eight hours of sound sleep at night.

» Chappati is preferred to rice. Nayana has dosa, idli and puttu for breakfast.

» Chicken curry is part of everyday meal. Fish curry is taken occasionally. Fried items are completely avoided.

» Fruits are welcome, but not sour ones. The same applies to juices also.

» Tapioca is her all-time favorite and there is no compromising on it, be it in any quantity.

Read more: Latest from Wellness | FitnessCheck this if you are joining a zumba class

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