Can honey aid weight loss? Know the truth

Assortment of honey products. Photo: Shutterstock/Alex Desanshe

Ayurveda deems honey to be an elixir that can be used to remedy many health conditions. A tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories, 17 grams of carbohydrates, 17 grams of sugar and 0.1 gram of protein. Besides, honey is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants, improving its health benefits. As honey has a lower glycemic index than regular sugar, the blood sugar level rises slowly after consuming honey, which helps control appetite. A spoonful of honey before bed would help the body burn fat during the first few hours of sleep. Meanwhile, honey could maintain blood sugar at healthy levels throughout the night by supplying glycogen to the liver. Thus, the brain realises there is no need to store fat and instructs the body to burn the fat.

Drinking warm water mixed with cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey boosts metabolism and controls appetite. You could also enjoy warm water with honey and a squeeze of lemon. Honey can also be added to herbal teas, ginger tea, green tea, and breakfast oatmeal. However, as honey is calorie-dense, make sure to consume honey in a minimal quantity. Honey isn’t recommended for children below one year of age and allergy patients as it contains the sperm cells of Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Although honey could be included in your weight loss diet due to its fat-burning properties, it isn’t a medicine or a hack that could magically reduce body weight. Regular exercise, a well-balanced diet and an active lifestyle are the keys to healthy weight loss. 

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