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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 12:50 PM IST

He set dozens of heads on fire and got away with it!

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Malappuram: Moonikkal Ansif’s barbershop at Vandoor has turned the center of attention among the style-conscious crowd of Kerala. The 25-year-old stylist returned from Dubai with an unusual tool to cut hair - fire!

Fire haircuts are the latest fad in Kerala and Ansif is the pioneering stylist. He said he learned the strange technique from an Afghan barber during his five-year stint in Dubai. Afghans use the technique to straighten hair.

However, it’s not just the curly ones who make a beeline to Ansif’s barbershop, uniquely named ‘Thadi’ (beard). Youngsters from as far as Kochi travel to the small shop at Pallikkunnu to set their head on fire.

The bearded barber said the technique is not as risky as it seems. He sprays a liquid on the hair before lighting it. He works calmly through the burning locks, shaping them the way he wants. The inflammable liquid will remain a secret for now.

Ansif has already become a celebrity. He is sought after by entrepreneurs wishing for some reflected glory for their new barbershops or beauty parlors. He has a word of caution for his fans: don’t try this at him. You will have more than sideburns.

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