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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 06:41 PM IST

Fun & trendy: 5 tips to dress up your kids as smart as they are

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Fun & trendy: 5 tips to dress up your kids as smart as they are Try faux fur coats, velvet and sequined outfits and floral footwear to dress up your little one

Try faux fur coats, velvet and sequined outfits and floral footwear to dress up your little one, suggest experts.

Chandni Agarwal, founder at Little Tags, and Jacqueline Kapur, co-founder at Ayesha Accessories, have listed a few ideas:

1. Fur and velvet can play a huge role in your child's wardrobe this season. You can choose a fur coat with a basic outfit for a dressy look.

2. Give some shine to their wardrobe with sequins.

Fun & trendy: 5 tips to dress up your kids as smart as they are

3. Cute and colorful sandals with floral charms are easy to slide into. Make your child's feet look stylish in playful patterns that can go with fancy outfits.

4. Feather accessory is a go to trend this season. Get a floral hair band or glitzy starry hair tie, bow or hair clips. 

Fun & trendy: 5 tips to dress up your kids as smart as they are

5. Team up stud earrings with dresses and your favorite charm pendants or layer them up. Play with colors by mismatching bangles or charm bracelets. 

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