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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 04:09 AM IST

Clocks can usher in the good times, if hung in the right place

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Living room Living room

Who does not wish for a prosperous life. You could turn your abode into a powerhouse of fortunes by simply rearranging some household articles. You can depend on a Vaastu expert to identify the ideal location for your house. Even the location of small items in the house has a bearing on your fortunes. Let us look at five of those common articles.



We seldom give a thought about where to hang a clock. We put them up wherever it is easy to spot. They have a purpose in Vaastu though. Misplace them and they could cast a shadow on your good times. Never hang them in the doors. Never hang them on the walls on the southern side of the house. That positioning ensures that you look to a positive direction whenever you want to check time. That would fill you with positive energy.



Mirror shows you your reflection. It will also reflect your negative energy. Mirrors can neutralize the negative energy in your house, according to Vaastu experts. Opt for square or rectangle-shaped mirrors. Always put them up in the northeast, at least five feet high from the floor.


Fish tank

Flowing water is very important in Vaastu. It is supposed to bring you good luck. That is the reason people design small cascades and fish tanks into their houses. Those are not just ornamental additions. They are guarantors of prosperity. Never install them in the northeast direction though.

Seven horses

Seven horses Photo credit: Amazon

Get a painting of seven prancing horses and see how your fortunes shift for the better. Seven horses will fill you with positive energy and fine thoughts. They will also usher in economic prosperity. Take note! Never exhibit them near the main door or opposite washrooms and kitchen. Do not let them face a window either.



Putting up moneyplants in the house will ensure a steady flow of money. If the plants are shooting up, rejoice. You are in prosperity. It is a good idea to place in the northeastern corner of the house.

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