


Last Updated Tuesday December 15 2020 03:13 AM IST

Theatres should run a movie at least for a week: VK Prakash

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Theatres should run a movie at least for a week: VK Prakash Jayaraj and VK Prakash at 'Meet the Director' session

Thiruvananthapuram: Malayalam director V.K. Prakash, whose film Nirnayakam featuring in IFFK while having his commercial flick Rockstar running in theatres, said that there is need to bring a law or regulation to make sure a film gets its due attention.

"People were applauding my film Nirnayakam here, while it barely showed for a week in theatres when it was released," the director said. "We need to have a rule, like in the Marathi industry, where a film should be shown at a theatre for at least a week."

He was speaking at the 'Meet the Press' at the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) on Monday.

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