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Last Updated Sunday December 13 2020 11:45 PM IST

IFFK 2015: Audience Poll closes today at 2 pm

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IFFK: Audience Poll closes today at 2 pm

Thiruvananthapuram: The audience poll for 20th edition of International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), 2015 ends on Friday.

The delegates and media persons can vote for their favourite films screened in ‘Competition’ category through their online IFFK log-in account till 2 p.m. on Friday.

The delegates can also vote the films through SMS. The format for SMS voting have been shared by the festival authorities in the registered mobile numbers.

The delegates can also rate the movies screened in ‘World Cinema’ category with their online log-in account. The ‘Delegate Cell’ at Tagore Theatre premises will also help the delegates register their vote.

To vote through SMS, a delegate must send a SMS to 94463 01234.

Film Codes for SMS voting are:

01 - The Black Hen/Kalo Pothi

02 - Bopem

03 - Clarisse or Something About Us

04 - Entanglement

05 - Jalal's Story

06 - Immortal

07 - Murder in Pacot

08 - No Woman's Land

09 - The Painted House

10 - The Project of the Century

11 - Shadow Behind the Moon

12 - The Trap/Ottal

13 - The Violin Player

14 - Yona

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