


Last Updated Saturday December 19 2020 08:47 PM IST

Malayalam subtitles a success in IFFK

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Malayalam subtitles a success in IFFK

Thiruvananthapuram: When Iranian movie 'Nahid' came up for screening at the Central Stadium on Wednesday as part of the 20th International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), the audience were seen completely bewitched by the movie and its characters.

For those who wonder what made 'Nahid' more enjoyable compared to other films in its category, the answer lies in the hard work of renowned director K. Sreekuttan, who scripted the Malayalam subtitles for the film.

Speaking on the project, Sreekuttan said he started work on the subtitles on December 1 as instructed by IFFK Advisory Committee chairman Shaji N. Karun and was able to complete the work in a timely manner.

Once a linguist and time code are made available, movies in one language can be translated into any other languages with the help of the software developed by Tecgemini Info Services, a private company in Thiruvananthapuram, he said.

This is for the first time in the history of IFFK that a foreign language film has been screened for general public with Malayalam sub-titles.

"It had been a challenging task for us to select and present apt Malayalam words for the 105-minute-long movie without departing from its original character," said Sreekuttan, who is also the Director of Business Strategy at Tecgemini.

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