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Last Updated Saturday December 12 2020 03:24 PM IST

Bring in laws to effectively tackle piracy: Argentinian director

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Bring in laws to effectively tackle piracy: Argentinian director The press conference was held at the Tagore theatre

Thiruvananthapuram: Piracy is a real threat to the growth of cinema, said Pablo Chernov, the producer of Cuban movie 'Project of the Century'. The Argentinian movie will be screened on Wednesday in Sree Kumar theatre at 6.45 pm.

Stating that the piracy reduces audience at theatres, Pablo said that Argentina, unlike India has a very small population of forty million and among this only a very small percentage watch movies.

"Both commercial and independent cinemas cater to a very small market. Around 100 films are released each year, of which only 10 goes around the country," Pablo said.

He, along with the Turkish Director, Tunc Davut (Entanglement), actress Sabrina Greve (Something about us), film organiser Suzanne Sanders, and director KM Kamal was addressing a press conference held at the Tagore theatre on the fourth day of the International Film Festival of Kerala.

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