Spicy and tangy capsicum pickle

Spicy and tangy capsicum pickle

Here is a simple recipe of spicy and tangy capsicum pickle.

2 capsicums (green and yellow cut into square shapes)
3 tbsp chilli powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp fenugreek powder
1 tsp asafoetida
1 piece ginger (julienned)
1 bulb garlic (chopped)
3 tbsp vinegar
4 green chillies
5 large green chillies (split in half)
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 bunch curry leaves
Hot water as required
Sesame oil as required
Salt as per taste
1/2 tsp sugar

Heat oil in a pan
Add the capsicum and sauté well
Keep it aside
Add mustard seeds into the same pan
When the mustard seeds pop, add ginger, garlic, green chillies, curry leaves and large green chillies
Roast well
Add turmeric powder and chilli powder
Roast well
Add hot water as required
Add vinegar and salt as per taste
When the mixture begins to boil, add the sautéed capsicums
Add fenugreek powder, sugar, and asafoetida
Heat some sesame oil and pour over the pickle
Store in air tight containers.

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